January 7, 2024 - Sunday morning sermon by Pastor Bill King. Scripture reference: Acts 1:1-9
No matter how awesome, powerful, and exalted angels may be, they are nowhere near the same league as our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
When it comes to God's grace, outsiders are always welcome. Let us be a church where outsiders are welcome to experience the saving and loving presence of God and the…
No church, no preacher, and certainly no program can heal what ails us. Only in a personal, intimate relationship with God through faith in Christ can we find the cure.
"Blessed be the LORD, who has not left you this day without a redeemer..."
When we feel we are running on empty, God is at work to transform our lives for our benefit and His glory. He never forsakes His children.
What can we learn from the selection of Matthias?