It's the application of God's curriculum that determines whether we've learned the lessons God is trying to teach us, so Paul writes, "It's God's will that you should be sanctified."
Jesus Christ: Our original, one and only superhero. Amen
Words are good, but actions are better. Put your faith into action, Paul says, and in doing so you cannot help but imitate your Savior. Our attitude should be the…
Be ready to suffer with Jesus for doing what is right ... arm yourself with the faith to suffer for the sake of Christ and His kingdom.
All who are in Christ are not, and cannot be, a "failure". God's Word is working in you, and He's going to keep working in you without failure because He…
1. Prayer is a natural thing for us because God created us to be relational. 2. We are a finite, broken, and needy people; prayer is our means to ask…
It is all accomplished through Jesus Christ our Lord, so that we can proclaim him Lord of Lords and King of Kings among all who will listen, and say with…