This is my Christmas wish list: 1. Set your heart to honor God. 2. Decide to give your best to God. 3. Go out on a limb for God...where our…
These things are written (in the Book of John) and in this message that is preached that you might believe in Jesus (like you have never believed before) and believing,…
Man is at his worst when he uses his religion to protect himself from the inconvenience and disturbance of needy strangers.
We are most thankful when we experience God's loving presence and His provision in our lives - past, present and future. For God humbled himself to become human, to draw…
1) It is important for each of us to assess the background noise of our lives that can subtly take over our thoughts, our psyche, our attitudes, and ultimately our…
The path leading to God has three stages: It starts with the pride of self, leads through the valley of humiliation, and ends with the praise of God. These stages…
Love restrains us: when we show patience and kindness, and are slow to anger, when we do not demonstrate envy and are not boastful, when we forgive and rejoice in…
Our Savior is calling us - more than this - commanding from us complete devotion to Him.
Do you see everyone as potential vessels of God's grace?
Video problems in production. Audio only.